Insomnia – when there is no recovery

Problems with falling asleep and staying asleep – medicinal mushrooms can restore a healthy circadian rhythm.

More and more people nowadays are affected periodically or even regularly by poor sleep and a lack of sleep. This has massive effects, as the lack of sleep cannot be simply recuperated. The consequence is usually a reduced ability to perform, weak concentration, irritability, overexcitement or unrest. There can also be negative effects on breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure and the hormone balance.

Lifestyle as an influence factor

Experience has shown time and time again: problems with falling asleep and staying asleep are very closely influenced by our lifestyle habits. The consumption of stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine or alcohol, as well as a lack of exercise or unhealthy eating habits, can severely compromise our quality of sleep. The most important causes of poor sleep, however, are stress and nervousness caused by overstimulation. Both lead to us not being able to switch off. The merry-go-round of thoughts then turns the whole night, precluding a good night’s sleep. If we want to improve the quality of our sleep, it is therefore immensely important to reduce stress or to achieve a better stress management and calm our nerves.

Important recovery phase

During sleep, the body, mind and spirit regenerate. During the deep sleep phases, our immune system is in full motion. The brain releases growth hormones so that new cells can be formed. During REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), our eyes move around behind their closed lids.

During this phase we dream intensely and thus process the experiences of the previous day. There is no generally valid recommendation for the optimal length of sleep for adults, but most require around seven to nine hours of sleep per day to remain healthy and balanced.

Natural substances for good sleep

Both the famous medicinal mushroom Reishi and the healing plant Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) from Indian Ayurveda are so-called adaptogens. Like all adaptogens, they are characterised by the fact that they strengthen our organism, give it more energy and vitality and improve our resistance to stress. Especially the combination of Reishi and Ashwagandha thus promotes healthy sleep and a balanced circadian rhythm.

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You can contact us Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 06.00 pm on +49 40 334686-370

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+49 40 334686-370
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