Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM)

Almond mushroom – Japanese: Himematsutake – colloquial: ABM

The ABM was discovered about 30 years ago in the rainforests of Brazil. Among the local population who regularly consumed this fungus, cancer was completely unknown. This fungus is now cultivated in Brazil, the USA, Japan, Korea and Germany. In the USA and Japan, the ABM has been subjected to scientific studies with remarkable success, which have proven its efficacy in the diseases described below.

ABM is used in veterinary medicine mainly for cancer and autoimmune diseases. Of all medicinal mushrooms, it has the highest concentration of beta-glucans (multiple sugars) in its glycoproteins (compounds of multiple sugars and proteins) and regulates the entire immune system. Its ingredients ergosterol (precursor of vitamin D) and sodium pyroglutamate have a cytotoxic effect on cancer cells. They suppress the formation of new blood vessels in tumour cells (angiogenesis), which is necessary for the formation of metastases, and induce the death of tumour cells (apoptosis).

Through its effect as an immune regulator, the ABM has a protective function on the Langerhans islands of the pancreas. Its beta-glucans slow down the absorption of sugar via the intestines.

The fungus has liver-protecting properties. A detoxifying and liver-protecting effect has been proven in toxic liver diseases caused by chemical substances.

The ABM promotes blood formation in the bone marrow and supports both the blood cleansing and defence functions of the spleen.

Fields of application

  • Insulin-dependent diabetes
  • Leukaemia
  • Splenic diseases
  • Regulation of the immune system
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Tumor diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases

Note: The effects described are based on the ingestion of medicinal mushroom powder made from
the whole mushroom. Please consult your animal therapist before use.

For free consultation:
+49 40 334686-370