Treat asthma naturally

Breathe freely again and feel good in your body with the power of medicinal mushrooms

Worldwide bronchial asthma (asthma for short) is the most common chronic disease in childhood. Asthmatics suffer from a permanent inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The mucous membrane swells and produces an excess of viscous mucus, which results in narrowed airways.

In an acute asthma attack, the muscles in the bronchial wall also tense up. This makes exhalation in particular more difficult. This results in the typical whistling exhalation sound of asthma sufferers with simultaneous shortness of breath. Children suffer from asthma more often than adults because their mucous membrane surface is particularly large in relation to the width of the airways.

Common asthma triggers and risk factors for asthma

  • Smoking and passive smoking is poison for the respiratory tract and increases its susceptibility to infections.
  • Allergy sufferers have an increased risk of asthma.
  • Frequent respiratory infections make the airways hypersensitive.
  • Low birth weight.
  • Lack of exercise and childhood obesity.

Treating asthma effectively and in the long term with medicinal mushrooms

Asthma sprays bring rapid relaxation and relief of the symptoms of the disease, which is essential especially during an acute attack. In contrast, mycotherapy, the healing with mushrooms, interferes at the root of the problem. It is therefore highly recommended for accompanying, long-term treatment. For example Reishi, when taken regularly, the medicinal mushroom strengthens the entire body and the lungs. Reishi improves the oxygen supply throughout the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the release of histamine (histamine is responsible for triggering allergic reactions). It is known for its immune-strengthening properties and can thus reduce susceptibility to infections and allergies overall. Reishi is thus particularly suitable for preventing further asthma attacks.

Since asthma attacks are often also triggered by physical or psychological stress, the simultaneous intake of the Cordyceps can be helpful. This medicinal mushroom strengthens the lungs, has a balancing effect and has a stabilising effect on the overall physical and mental condition. Asthmatics often have to accept a decline in their quality of life because, among other things, the fear of sudden attacks characterises their everyday life or they have a rather low energy level overall. Cordyceps gives them new inner strength.

Let us advise you free of charge by telephone!

You can contact us Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 06.00 pm on +49 40 334686-370

For free consultation:
+49 40 334686-370
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