Cardiac Diseases

The heart is one of the most important organs in the body. Without a heart, living beings can’t exist. It is connected to all the other organs via blood, which it supplies to them. Cardiac malfunction affects all other organs.

The heart is also the centre of love and joy. The more an animal can show its joy, the stronger its heart is. No form of love is as honest and sincere as that an animal feels for its master/mistress. Animals love without reservation and unconditionally, they give their whole heart. Sometimes their love for their master/mistress is so strong that they forget about and overexert themselves, weakening their heart. If animal bears sorrow or pain, it heart gets sick.

Acquired cardiac diseases account for the majority of all animal heart diseases. The first – and frequently only – symptom is a cough which, because of its occasional occurrence under physical stress, is seldom suspected as a cardiac problems by the pet’s owner. This is one of the reasons why acquired cardiac diseases are frequently identified at a very late stage. It is thus recommended to keep a close eye on one´s pet and to react quickly to symptoms of this type. Healing is only possible through treatment at a very early stage.

The vast majority of acquired cardiac diseases – the heart (cardiac) valves and muscle (myocardium) – cannot be treated with orthodox methods. Sooner or later they all result in the same phenotype – cardiac insufficiency. Cardiac insufficiency means that – despite compensation mechanisms – the heart is no longer able to supply the body with sufficient blood. It can be an aftereffect of any cardiac disease and is frequently suffered by cats and dogs. The symptoms most frequently observed with left ventricular insufficiency are cough, respiratory distress and pulmonary oedema. They can indicate blockages in the lung (pulmonary) circulation. Abdominal dropsy (ascites) and fluid retention (hydrothorax) or fluid retention in the fore or hind legs (peripheral oedema) indicate right ventricular insufficiency. Depending on the problem’s severity, the symptoms can be observed either under stress or in states of rest.

Those afflicted by advanced cardiac insufficiency will show all symptoms of left and right ventricular insufficiency.

An ideal body weight is of particular importance for cardiac disorders. Overweight patients are best put on diet immediately to avoid further unnecessary cardiac stress. The owner should ensure a low-sodium diet and adjust the amount of sodium consumed to the severity of the condition.

Another significant factor is physical activity. Avoid exposing animals who suffer from cardiac problems to extreme physical stress. The physical activities should be adapted to the respective disease and the patient’s physical condition. Depending on their here-and-now condition, this may vary significantly. Avoid exposing indoor cats and dogs to stress and overheated rooms.

Mycotherapy can improve the patient’s condition, delay the disease’s progression or – subject to very early treatment – even bring about a cure.

Reishi provides the cardiac muscles with more oxygen and reduces the tissue oxygen consumption. It helps cardiac insufficiency, blood pressure irregularities and cardiac arrhythmias. Auricularia has vasodilatory properties and improves the blood fluidity. Moreover, it acts as a blood thinner and is afterload reducing. Cordyceps improves the blood supply through the kidneys (renal perfusion). It helps counteracting irregular cardiac activity and reduces preload and afterload. Polyporus has works diuretically and increases the urinary flow. Due to the increased excretion of water, the blood pressure is lowered, the heart is relieved and the preload is reduced (blockages are counteracted). The venous pressure is lowered, which helps counteract pulmonary congestion and oedemata


The effects described are based on the ingestion of medicinal mushroom powder which is prepared from the whole mushroom. Please seek advice from your animal therapist before using.

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+49 40 334686-370