Detoxification and prevention – strengthening the body sustainably

Prevent diseases: Vital mushrooms protect and strengthen the organism gently and effectively.

In our modern society, the permanent supply of harmful substances is a growing problem. Every day we absorb harmful substances through certain foods, the environment (air and water), but also through cosmetics, for example. Even if only small amounts are ingested every day, chemical food additives and environmental toxins can, in the long term, put a strain on our excretion organs.

As a result, the permeability of the intestinal wall is increased (Leaky Gut Syndrome). Toxins and additives therefore enter the blood more easily. This in turn leads to a strong strain on the liver, which can cause allergies, for example. In addition, an environment is created in the body that promotes the development of many diseases. So-called “free radicals” are increasingly formed, which destroy healthy cells.

Medicinal or vital mushrooms contain many valuable ingredients, including strong antioxidants that protect our cells from free radicals. Thus they fight oxidative stress and protect against long-term damage.

Detox with medicinal mushrooms

Pathogens spread in the human organism especially when the organism is unable to detoxify enough. The use of medicinal mushrooms causes toxins to be absorbed or converted into less toxic end products. This phenomenon can help us, especially in modern society, with the many “novel” diseases (fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and others). The general well-being also suffers from the overloading of the organism with toxic substances and waste products. This results in an increased need for rest and sleep, exhaustion and reduced performance. More and more people suffer from symptoms that are due to an excessive intake or insufficient excretion of toxic substances.

Medicinal mushrooms have a natural detoxifying effect. With the various vital mushrooms we can support our excretion organs (liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys and lymphatic system) in a very specific way.

Let us advise you free of charge by telephone!

You can contact us Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 06.00 pm on +49 40 334686-370

For free consultation:
+49 40 334686-370
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