
Holes in the bone

Bone loss is actually a very natural aging process. If, however, the loss of bone mass is accelerated, we speak of osteoporosis instead. In Germany it is estimated that around eight million people – especially women – are affected by this disease.

A distinction is made between compact bone substance, which is firm and tight, and spongy bone substance with a porous structure. The bone tissue consists of embedded building osteoblasts and degrading osteoclasts. The equilibrium between both determines how much bone mass we have.

In osteoporosis, the osteoclasts are overly active. At the same time there are too few osteoblasts for building bone structure. The bone tissue, which is subject to constant renovation, cannot be sufficiently replaced. Consequently, the bones become thin and brittle.

The sex hormone oestrogen counteracts bone loss. Therefore it is easier for women in menopause to develop osteoporosis as the body now produces less and less oestrogen.

Secondary osteoporosis occurs through hormonal disorders of the parathyroid gland and the thyroid gland. These regulate the absorption and degradation of calcium in the bones as well as the renovation of the bone substance.

Vitamin D also plays a critical role in the absorption of calcium. It can be ingested with food as a precursor, but our body can also produce it by itself. It is absorbed by the skin under the action of the UV rays of the sun. Afterwards it enters the kidneys and is secreted into the blood. In the intestine it promotes the absorption of calcium from the diet and stimulates the kidneys to retain calcium, which otherwise would be excreted with the urine. Finally, it effects the assimilation of calcium into the bones.

Bone health is also impaired by medication, inflammatory diseases, tumours as well as poor nutrition. To neutralize acid overloads in the body, we need natural alkali reserves in the bone. If these reserves are overworked over years, a disordered metabolism follows from that, and the important calcium is removed from the bones and excreted via the urine. Insufficient chewing can also lead to bone decalcification. If food is not adequately chewed, then the pH value of the nutrition in the mouth is not sufficiently raised. The result: Only a little hydrochloric acid is formed in the stomach, so that too little bicarbonate is emitted into the blood. This results in a lowering of the pH level of the blood. To compensate for this the body then helps itself with the bone substance.

What can be done about this? Here a therapy with medically effective mushrooms is opportune

The Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM) has the highest content of ergosterol (precursor of vitamin D) and therefore supports calcium storage. It also strengthens the blood formation in the spleen and thus makes a positive contribution to energetic bone metabolism.

When inflammation and pain are present, histamines are released. The triterpenes contained in the Reishi medicinal mushroom reduce the release of histamine, so that the inflammatory processes and the pain are curbed. In addition, the polysaccharides in Reishi promote oxygen absorption as well as blood formation. Moreover, this medicinal mushroom strengthens the liver and sets the detoxification processes in motion.

The Cordyceps has a strong correlation to the kidneys and urogenital system, tonifies the kidney and supports the production of sex hormones. As in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the kidney is associated with healthy bones, it is important to strengthen it. Cordyceps regenerates and strengthens kidney energy. This also has a positive effect on an overly low blood pH value. This is a very important fact, because if the blood pH value is too low, the body attempts to compensate for it by breaking down the bone. The hormonal balance is closely coupled to emotional moods. Where a depressive mood is present, Cordyceps can support the spirit.

A study of the Maitake medicinal mushroom has shown that it is able to stimulate the osteoblasts. The Maitake is also rich in ergosterol and therefore is an excellent medicinal mushroom for bone health.


The taking of medicinal mushrooms enables a good supply of minerals, vitamins and nutrients to the body. An advantage is that they are not isolated, but included in the mushrooms in a balanced relationship. Thus, a good, healthy metabolism is ensured.

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