Autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases rank third in the group of most common diseases in industrialised nations. They can lead to drastic restrictions in everyday life. Vital mushrooms offer a real chance of improvement in treatment.

What is autoimmune disease?

In an autoimmune disease, the body’s own tissues or organs are attacked and damaged by excessive immune reactions. Scientists distinguish between two groups. So-called “systemic autoimmune diseases” affect many different organs. These include diseases such as rheumatism, lupus erythematosus or scleroderma.

In contrast, a “localised autoimmune disease” affects a single tissue or organ, although the consequences can also be felt throughout the body. Examples are diabetes type 1, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) or autoimmune hepatitis.

Treatment with medicinal mushrooms

Many study results have shown the positive effect of medicinal mushrooms on autoimmune processes. Due to their valuable mix of effective ingredients, they can influence different causes of autoimmune diseases. Beta-glucans, which are particularly important for the immune system, are among the strongest immune modulators that nature has to offer. Through their influence, immune imbalances can be balanced and regulated.

Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM)

The highest concentration of beta-glucans was found in Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM). This mushroom therefore has a special importance in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Its use in combination with other mushrooms is advantageous, depending on the disease in question. Due to its protection of the insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas, it is also particularly suitable for use in type 1 diabetes.


Another important mushroom in the therapy of autoimmune diseases is the reishi. It is characterised by its content of various triterpenes, whose anti-inflammatory effects have been proven many times in studies. Chronic inflammatory processes lead to tissue destruction and impairment of organ functions. An example of this is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Reishi is particularly suitable for its therapy. The fruiting body and spores of this mushroom are rich in triterpenes.

For the selection of a mushroom product, this means that in addition to the fruiting body, the spores must also be contained. Only in this way a good anti-inflammatory effect can be achieved. Together with other mushrooms, reishi reduces the oxidative stress that is prevalent in inflammations. Among other things, the enzymes contained in the mushrooms give them this effectiveness. However, their activity is only preserved if the mushrooms are gently dried. Reishi is also particularly known for its detoxifying properties.

Environmental pollutants and medicines are among the known triggers of autoimmune processes. Reishi strengthens the liver in particular and helps to eliminate toxins via the liver and intestines. Medicinal mushrooms are also generally known for their detoxifying effect. They stimulate our excretory organs (e.g. liver, kidneys and lymph) and free the body from burdens.


Cordyceps is characterised by a pronounced detoxifying effect via the kidneys. At the same time, cordyceps has a protective effect on the kidneys. It protects the glomeruli – the functional units of the kidneys – from oxidative stress caused by environmental toxins and autoimmune processes. Its mood-lifting effect should also be emphasised. It balances hormones, increases vital energy and helps to improve stress management.


Another mushroom that is used for autoimmune diseases is Hericium. It has a particularly healing effect on the stomach and intestinal mucosa and is recommended for ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

The regeneration of the intestinal mucosa is generally a very important factor in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. A permeable intestinal mucosa (leaky gut) increases the risk of misdirected immune mechanisms. The vital mushroom Hericium regenerates the mucosa and restores its barrier function. Together with Pleurotus, it can sustainably improve the intestinal environment. Mushrooms are characterised by their so-called prebiotic effect, which means that they promote the growth of the microbiota in the intestine.

Studies have also shown that Hericium stimulates the formation of myelin sheaths in nerves. These properties can be of great benefit in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. It also has a relaxing effect.


In rheumatic autoimmune diseases, shiitake is valued for its positive influence on the joints. Depending on the autoimmune disease and which organs are affected, other mushrooms can also be used for mycotherapeutic treatment.

It is therefore best to let us advise you free of charge which vital mushroom or which combination of mushrooms is best for your individual symptoms.

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